Penguin Computing™ Support
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Penguin Computing™ is 100% focusd on Linux and open solutions.
Customer Service
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Technical Support
Technical assistance with detailed product needs
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POD HPC Cloud Support: [email protected]
Tech support: [email protected]
RMA requests or status: [email protected].
Penguin Edge™ Support
Penguin Edge™ support services are designed around your product lifecycle so you can take advantage of critical services and support when and where they are needed. We can also create specialized service offerings for your specific product or industry requirements.
Change Management
For archived ECOs, EOLs or PreAlerts for former SMART Embedded Computing products prior to May 3rd 2020, please click here.
To view ECOs, EOLs or PreAlerts for ATCA, PCIe, VME or former SMART Embedded Computing products after May 3rd 2020, please click the button below.
Documentation Search
Quickly access the documents you need for ATCA, PCIe, VME or other former SMART Embedded Computing products. For Qualcomm based products, go to Techweb.
How to Buy
We offer multiple options for purchasing our products and services globally.
Pre-Sales Support
If you have a question about Penguin Edge™ products or service, or would like to request a quote, please submit a request.
Product Registration
Register your Qualcomm based SoM, SBC and Application-Ready Platform products and get access to our technical resources.
Returns Authorization
To return ATCA, PCIe, VME or other former SMART Embedded Computing products, please complete and submit the online form
To return Qualcomm based products, please go to Techweb
Technical Support & Techweb
For technical support services for all Penguin Edge™ product lines